Well most of you know I am moving to a new place in August. I'm in the process of going through my stuff. Let me tell ya, I hate going through my things! Uprooting everything and shuffling it around drives me a bit nutty. Too many things have collected over the years. How does that happen? My philosphy with this move is, if I haven't used it or worn in in the past 3 years of living here in my current apartment, get rid of it! Items that have meaning to me like photos and such of course I will keep. But other things I want gone. It takes too much time to get rid of things. How is that so?
Shaw's Shoutout of the Day: Oatmeal Raisin Flax Kashi cookies
These are my latest snack and I totally love them! They are just too good. If you haven't tried them go get a box!