Monday, September 29, 2008

My Digital Perpetrator

So in an effort to find the Juke Box Dude I saw on campus, I decided over my lunch break today to go lurking around on campus like paparatzi with my digital camera to see what I could photograph. My goal was to catch undergrads in their natural habitat and hopefully see the human jukebox again. I unfortunately did not see the Juke Box dude, but theres always tommorrow. I tried to blend in as much as possible, but when your holding a digital camera you get some looks. I'm now calling my camera the Digital Perpetrator. I walked around snapping shots, and also sat at a couple of benches trying to blend in. Heres a few photos I took. I also took the liberity to "Black Bar" these kids so their identities can't be stolen or something.

My first photo: Titled Lawn Mower Man
This is the first photo I took, and I think it is my favorite. It appears a student film crew is interviewing the lawn mower man! Wow, I bet that will be exciting. "So lawn mower man what to you do here on campus?" "Well I sit and mow all day long!"

Photo Title: Big Ol Headphones!
Whats he listening to!?! Nice Headphones dude!

Photo Title: Cool Dude
Is he looking at me? Nice specs.

So thats the jist of my digital paparatzi perpetratin experience today on campus.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weirdo's on Campus

Ok, since I work on a college campus, I tend to see some weird undergrads walking around talking smack, acting like dumb butts and strutting around in either flip flops or stilletos - no joke. Every year I try to determine what the latest undergrad trend will be, since they tend to wear something new and dumb each year. Last year I never did pin point any one thing. They were mostly boring last year just wearing jeans, mini skirts and t-shirts. Nothing spectactular really. This year, so far, the only thing I can pin point is these white 80's style bulky roundish sunglasses. If I see them more than once on numerous undergrads, then I deem it as a current trend. So far that is all I've picked up on.

I've been thinking to myself as I walk around campus, I really need to carry my digital camera with me. Not my cell phone camera that really just takes crap photos, but the actual digital camera so I can take a good shot. Lately I keep seeing weird things while I'm out and about and I wish I had the chance for the photo opt. WELL, this week proved I need to start carrying a camera. I think on Wednesday, I was walking back from the gym, and I could hear this noise, like a boom box music kind of noise. I look over, and no joke, here is this "guy" walking along, with a cardboard hand made Juke Box on him. Only his arms and legs were out, and there was a slot for his eyes to see, and his head was covered. The box was all painted up to look like an old fashion Juke Box, and he was carrying an ipod, with speakers attached to it so all could hear, and it was playing techno type music! Now I've seen some weird undergrad things in the past 8 years of working on a college campus, but never anything as bizzare as this guy! I just watched him walking along, trying to figure out what his purpose or message was, and thought DAMN, I wish I had my camera on me! I blew it off, but as I was walking along the next day I saw this guy AGAIN! Same thing, Juke Box box on him and techno music playing away. So since I saw him twice, I am now going to try to remember to grab my camera before I head out and mabey I'll see him again to get a photo opt. If I do, I'll definantly post it here on my blog. Definate weirdo on campus!

Shaws shout out: Political Bingo
Ok, last election in 2004 there was this website with bingo cards you could print out that had all different funny canidate sayings with photos on it. The idea was you played bingo while watching any of the presidential debates. These cards were halirous. Everytime a canidate either said or did something on your card you marked it off to play bingo. This was fun to do with a group of folks. So I decided to see if that was still out there for this election. I found the website that created the political bingo cards, but there are no funny photos on it this time. While on this site I started to explore it, and found a funny Obama quote maker. Its like playing mad libs, you insert a few key words, and it generates an Obama style quote. It also gives you the html code so you can attach it to your blog, which I will attempt to do.


Generate a Barack Obama Quote!

"These people haven't had low taxes for fifty years. So you can't be surprised if they get bitter and cling to their Itchy balls and their scrots and their blue balls. That's what my campaign is about. Teaching all the little people in this country that they can have kittens."
Generate your Barack Obama quote at

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I have Gas!

In my tank that is......

Well I was successful last night in finding a gas station that actually had some gas. Imagine that! And there was no line, bonus! I had to pay $4.19 a gallon which is insane, but now I can get back and forth for a few more days at least. They say things will be back to normal by this weekend. Apparently they have rashened the gas stations as well in the amount they were being given. Closing the pumps down in the Gulf affected the flow. Darn hurricanes!

Shaw's Shout out of the Day:
In celebration of me starting my very own blog, I'm going to add my own shout out of the day to each post. It will be random whateveras, so look out!

Todays shout out is to Rachel Ray and her awesome food recepies! This is my latest favorite recepie I made the other day and it is da bomb! It is called Jalapeno Rice - except I'm not a big fan of hot food, so I substituted a green pepper instead and it was awesome! But if you like hot, go for one jalapeno. Heres the recepie:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Got Gas?!?

Ok Nashville is having a gas shortage right now, and I'm not talking about farts either! I drove to numerous gas stations this morning and every single one of them is out! What up? Nashville is apparently on the pipeline from Texas. Due to the two recent hurricanes, brother Ike and dorky Gustav, they screwed with our supply. Now when a shipment comes in to a gas station, all the rednecks here flock to the station, causing a traffic jam, and the gas is drained out in a couple of hours or less. They keep telling us not to put too much in, so that supply can catch up with demand. Except some of us need to get to work and the media is forgetting rednecks don't listen. Today was the first day evera that I had to call gas stations and ask "Do you have gas" fart fart!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My first blog

Dear Blog,

Hello, and welcome to Shawsters Blog! This is my very first blog, how exciting! Its September 21, 2008 today, its about time I started bloggin. I'm bloggin from Nashville, Tennessee home of country music - and no I do not like country music. I prefer top 40's and rocking out music instead. I live here with my dog Frasier, he is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He is quite the sassy one and has a mind of his own. I work as a Graphic Designer and have done so for the past 10 years. I'm also an usher at a local theater here in town.

Well enough bloggin for now. I'll blog some more later!