Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Large Balls

What are these things and has anyone every been killed by one droppin on dare head? I don't want one droppin on my head! I black barred it for its protection.

Shaw's Shout Out Today:
My shout out today is to my fav Woodchuck Draft Cider. Can I have one now!


Anonymous said...


YOU are TOO funny!!!

I can't remember what they are called - we have a big tree of them infront of my church...i'll have to ask...

Anonymous said...

one of the boys at my church calls them 'monkey brains' but I know that isn't the scientific name for them...

i'm looking it up...

Anonymous said...

ok! I found out:

They are Osage trees, and are also called "Mock Oranges" (not to mention "monkey brains" by the 8 year-old boy at church)


I Love the fact that you felt the need to black bar your balls. You go girl.