Monday, November 3, 2008

Brain Science

So did anyone see this on 60 minutes last night? I just happened to walk into the living room and saw it on TV. Since I work with numerous neuroscientist I found this very fascinating. Basically the guy in the main story, who happens to be a neuroscientist himself, has been paralyzed from a disease and can not move anything but his eyes and he can smile. He can not speak, but his brain functions just fine. They put this cap on his head and it contains sensors in it that can record brain waves, or neurons firing up. He then looks at a computer screen filled with flashing letters and thinks about the letters he needs to create words, and the computer records the brain waves from the cap and writes the words for him. Now that's pretty darn cool! It really was very amazing, he is basically thinking, and the computer is picking up his thoughts. You can read the entire story here.

Shaw's Shout Out - to the Obama slognator again. Because it was just so much fun the first time around I have to do it again! Also its a reminder for tommorrow to go cast your vote!

Generate a Barack Obama Quote!

"You know, there's a lot of talk in this country about Starbucks prices. Well I think Americans are tired of the same old dead bugs. Ordinary Americans believe in clouds, they want less
fart stink, they just aren't sure if their leaders believe in smaller bootys."
Generate your Barack Obama quote at

1 comment:

Zu-Li Designs said...

That's amazing about the brain science. And I agree, Americans do believe in clouds.