Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rock on Idols

Top five this week. They all are so good, it is way too hard to narrow it down, but here it goes.

1. Adam Lambert: By far my favorite tonight. I loved how he came down the stairs with his entrance. I feel like I'm watching the Adam Show when he performs. Like all the other contestants just don't matter! He is confident, awesome and he know's it. Tonight I thought he sounded a bit like Queen. He's Shaw's top pick of the night, receiving 5 stars *****.

2. Danny Gokey: Danny is just so fun. Everyone loves him and did you hear the cheering as he walked out! He had good tone and hit good notes and I loved the very bluezy sound he had tonight. Awesome glasses as well. All I gotta say is Hot Hot Hot! I'm giving him four and a half stars ****/.

3. Allison: I totally loved her tonight. She looked so cute in her dress and her hair was perfect. I liked seeing a sweet looking Allison, instead of a rocky trashy Allison. Her voice was dead on, but I gotta say booo on Simons comments about her. I thought she was plenty confident tonight! I give her 4 stars tonight ****.

4. Kris Allen: All I got to say is Very Nice Tonight! I think each week his voice grows just a little bit more, and tonight his voice was perfect. I thought he looked great and sounded great in a sweet way. I give him 4 stars for tonights performance ****.

Shaw's bottom pick for the evening: Matt Girard
I think this week is his week to go home. I didn't like his voice he sounded off key. The song started out boring, the middle was boring, but the ending was quite good. But I was surprised Simon liked it and gave him props! Shaw's gonna give Matt only 2 stars for tonight **.

Well thats Idol recap for the top 5. All 5 of them are awesome, so its hard from here on out!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Top 7 do it again this week

So last week the judges decided to use their save, and saved Matt. I think he redemed himself this week. I really liked his performance and he is one of my top 3 this week. My other top two are Adam of course. Loved the emotional cry song, and Danny was awesome. I think its going to come down to Adam and Danny eventually. My bottom three this week are Lil, Allison and Anoop. Lil just didn't do it for me. I usually love Allison, but she didn't have enough umph for me tonight. I love how Anoop was finally sexy this week with the suit and stashe, but I didn't reconize his song really, and that might hurt him. Hmmm so which two will go home. This is a tough one and will only get harder from here on out. I think Lil is heading home and I'm going to go out on a limb and say Allison. And if thats the case I'll be mad the judges used their save last week instead of this week.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top 7 - hoot hoot

Now it's getting down to the top 7. Tonight they sang songs from movies. My top favorites were Adam as usual. He reminded me of an 80's hairband singer tonight with the high notes belting out his mouth. Loved his song and his strut and the guy liner looks hot on him. Also liked Alison's song, although she sounded like her voice was going out on her a bit. Totally loved Anoop tonight, and he finally wore a tie. Shaw's givin him props for that. I also liked Danny, even though he sounded a bit off. Shaw's bottom 3: Matt Giarad, Kris Allen and Lil Rounds. All three borred me and I think Kris is heading home. I don't know what he sang, and don't care.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top 8 Idols

Tonight was the top 8 idols singing from the year they were born. I have to say I missed the first 20 minutes of the show. I got home later than usual, but I saw the recaps.

This week my top three favs are Anoop, Allison and of course Adam. I really liked Anoops song. He did a very nice job with it and made it his own. And, finally, he looked better. They changed him up a bit and I liked the look better - I still think they need to sex him up a bit more. Allison, I just loved her song tonight. I felt like I was in a bar listening to her sing. I thought she connected well with the audience tonight. Adam of course was the most different of the night. I didn't know his song though.....maybe he changed it up so much I didn't recognize it! I'll have to go find it on iTunes and then I'll probably realize what it was.

My bottom two tonight are Scott and Lil. Lil is starting to bore me and so is Scott. Its like the same thing each week. I'm predicting Scott will be the one to go home.

Shaw out

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

See ya later Megan!

Well Megan finally got the booty tonight on Idol. Thankgoodness! Anyone else think she was drunk or stoned tonight? What was with the crow noises? More reason to see her go in my opinion! I gotta say, tonight was the first group song I actually liked and got into. I usually hate the group song, and a lot of times don't watch it. It's a bit too cheesy for me. But I liked it tonight. And after hearing Kris sing in the group song he seems like his voice has really grown in just these past few weeks. So hoo-ha to him!

What up with the Lady GaGa routine? It was all a bit strange as well. It reminded me of a bad dance version of Thriller. Thoughts anyone?

Shaw's Shout out of today:
To my BFF for posting a hot photo of Adam on her blog just for mewha. Hoot Hoot to that!

Idol top 9

Shaw's top three Idol picks this week:

1. Adam Lambert - he's just cool, what can I say.

2. Danny Gokey - wasn't totally into his country song last night, but still dug him anyway.

3. Chris Allen - Last night was the first night I watched him and said "WOW". He really was good last night, totally dug him!

Shaw's bottom 3 this week:

1. Scott MacIntyre - He was better this week, but I'm not sure he was better enough if that makes sense.

2. Megan Joy - Every week I pick Megan as the one to go, and she doesn't go. So this week I'm going to pick someone else to go, and maybe she will go instead!

And the one going home:
3. Matt Girard - he just didn't cut it last night!

- Shaw out