Well Nashville was in the spot light last night as the Debate was at Belmont University here in town. This really was a big deal around here. All the buzz on the news. I work around the corner from Belmont and drive past it every day back and forth from work. Had to alter my route a bit yesterday cause they had motorcades, roads closed, and there were police officers all over. I did watch the debate last night, the first one I've decided to watch. I've already made up my mind who I'll be voting for, but it was good to see them both discuss issues. Although they didn't always answer the questions given to them! That gets a bit frustrating to watch. I've also have made it a point on Saturday nights when I'm home to watch the beginning of Saturday Night Live and watch Tina Fey as Sara Palin. Its just funny how much they really look alike! It gives me a good giggle.
Well a bit of a scare at my apartment complex over the weekend. There was a two alarm fire in one of the buildings. My building was fine and all is good, but the building that caught fire is quite damaged. They still have not said anything to us regarding the cause of the fire. It started at five in the morning, so most those folks probably were not up. Everyone got out OK and no one was hurt, but that side of the building is fenced off and boarded up. Not fun to see that.
Shaw's Shout Out of the Day:
My shout out today goes out to my friend Jules for sending this one on to me. If you have ever worked in a large office/cubical environment you will appreciate this one. Or, if your lunch has ever been stolen, as my entire lunch bag was, you will appreciate this. You'll just have to look at this one!
Just an update from my previous post. I never did see the Juke Box Dude again. I did however see a flyer posted on the boards in my building about some frat party and it had a Juke Box reference to it. So, I think it was a frat prank and an odd way to advertise their apparent party. No more lurking around campus with a camera for now! But I did get a request for more photos like that! Ha Ha. I had a bit of a problem posting the photos from my computer from home. It appeared to post, and really didn't. I'm still learning these functions on this blog postin! I'm gettin there.
I love the moldy ziploc idea. Can't believe you've had a lunch stolen, Shaw! Maybe you should make a crap sandwich and see if someone steals that!
I'm so proud that I got "shouted out" to. :) jules hehehehehehe!!!!!
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