Tonight was the top 8 idols singing from the year they were born. I have to say I missed the first 20 minutes of the show. I got home later than usual, but I saw the recaps.
This week my top three favs are Anoop, Allison and of course Adam. I really liked Anoops song. He did a very nice job with it and made it his own. And, finally, he looked better. They changed him up a bit and I liked the look better - I still think they need to sex him up a bit more. Allison, I just loved her song tonight. I felt like I was in a bar listening to her sing. I thought she connected well with the audience tonight. Adam of course was the most different of the night. I didn't know his song though.....maybe he changed it up so much I didn't recognize it! I'll have to go find it on iTunes and then I'll probably realize what it was.
My bottom two tonight are Scott and Lil. Lil is starting to bore me and so is Scott. Its like the same thing each week. I'm predicting Scott will be the one to go home.
Shaw out
Aren't they picking 3 for the bottom still? What's your third?
I admit, Anoop was good. I usually like him. But I feel he may get booted home?
Honestly, you didn't miss much in the first 20 minutes!
I couldn't decide on a third person this week! I want to pick Matt cause I don't like him for some reason, but I liked his jazzy song version. So I only picked 2 instead! :)
Good call on the boot!
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