Thursday, December 18, 2008

Four Christmases

Shout out today goes to my friend Jules for the movie hook-up last night. Jules had a free ticket voucher for two to see a sneak preview of Will Smith's movie Seven Pounds. So we headed that way and got there 30 minutes before showing. The voucher said to get there early and it did not guarantee entry. We got in the back of this long line to get in and they stopped the line about 15 people ahead of us. We sat there and waited a bit and finally a guy came out and said the theater for the movie preview was full. He then told us we could come in and pick any movie we wanted, except Bolt and something else, and see it for free! We both wanted to see Four Christmas's, so we did, for free! The movie was so funny, we laughed throughout it, and I'm still laughing today. So if you want a good funny Christmas movies to go see, I recommend that one.

Shout Out: Four Christmases

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